
Showing posts from January, 2022

Gardens of the Moon; a review

I don't usually do book reviews, but I think I've put in way too much time and effort into making bookmark notes for every chapter to a point where doing a review for this just felt... necessary? whatever. So I've officially hopped into Malazan, and Gardens of the Moon was a great entry. I'll admit, the criticisms of it being "difficult" and "inaccessible" did scare me off for a while, but after reading the book I can honestly say that these criticisms are in my opinion, overblown. It is true that there are offhand references to things that you don't know about, which in turn leads to lost understanding. It is true that the prose tends to be unclear, and you'll be left stumped trying to figure out what the sentence you just read really means. It is true that you're thrown into a clustershit without the context you need to walk smoothly through it. But even despite these confusions, I still managed to pay attention and keep track of the m...