Empire of Silence is often compared to Name of the Wind and Dune, both of which are revered works in the sci-fi and fantasy landscape. I disagree. This is better. Now I must admit, I wasn't the biggest fan of both Name of the Wind and Dune; I found Name of the Wind to be painfully mediocre, and I did not finish Dune. My experience with science fiction has been rough up to this point. The technical jargon and scientific theories on which sci-fi stories are built around often made me feel like I needed to be a science nerd to fully comprehend literature in this realm. And because of this, I've always avoided science fiction. It took me quite a bit of convincing to start the Sun Eater series, and wow, am I grateful for that. This series works for both sci-fi and fantasy fans, having enough scientific and extraterrestrial intrigue to honor its sci-fi roots, while also not leaning too heavily toward the science parts. There is something in the series for any avid SFF reader: vivid ...